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Did You Know That God Ordained The Holocaust And Slavery?

Did God Ordain The Holocaust?
Did you know that God ordained the Holocaust? A tremendous amount of Satanic propaganda has fooled almost everyone into thinking the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews was an evil atrocity committed by sadistic lunatics. The Holy Bible, however, makes it clear that the Holocaust was a divine punishment of rebellious sinners!

God made the terms of His relationship with the Jews perfectly clear in the sacred scriptures He inspired their holy men to write. According to Deuteronomy 28:1-3: "And if you obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do al his commandments. Blessed shall you be in the city and blessed you shall be in the field."

On the other hand, Deuteronomy 28:58-59 warns: "If you are not careful to do all the words of this law; the Lord your God will bring on you and your offspring extraordinary afflictions, afflictions severe and lasting."

These scripture are so clear a child could understand. God promises the Jews blessings for obedience, but SEVERE PUNISHMENT if they disobey!

Now the gassings, burnings, starvation and disease of the Nazi death camps were not blessings on the Jews. They were not getting the blessings God promised for obedience, so it is obvious that they must have been DISOBEDIENT! And as disobedient sinners, they fully deserved the SEVERE PUNISHMENT God promised to bring upon them and their offspring!

How obvious it becomes then, that Auschwitz, Dachau and Treblinka were divine punishments for sin - the "EXTRAORDINARY AFFLICTIONS" that God warned of in the Bible!

Oh, how warped can human minds become to label as "atrocities" the just and righteous punishments of God? How far from the clear teachings of inspired scripture can we stray?

May God forgive us for ever considering His divine Holocaust an "atrocity"!

The Lord Loves Holocausts!
Now many so-called "Christians" would agree that the Jews who suffered and perished in the Holocaust had been disobedient sinners, but still quibble about the Holocaust being "too severe" a punishment to come from a God of Love and Mercy.

What an absurd argument, since we all know that God sends all unsaved sinners to a flaming Hell of eternal torture much worse than any Nazi concentration camp!

Also, the Holy Bible makes it perfectly clear that Holocausts are the Heavenly Father's favorite way of dispensing with unrepentant sinners and their despicable children. Indeed, the righteous Hebrew ancestors of todays' Jews were the Nazis of Biblical times - the Lord's willing instruments of genocide against various sinful peoples of the past.

Joshua 10:40, for example, sums up the Hebrew conquest of Canaan as follows: "So Joshua defeated the whole land ... He left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel commanded."

In I Samual 15:3 we find the Hebrew prophet Samuel relaying God's order to exterminate the Amalekites, because their ancestors had opposed the Israelites centuries before: "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."

As these scriptures clearly show, God's loving and merciful nature is perfectly manifested by His orders to slaughter sinful peoples and their children!

Instead of moaning about Holocausts being "atrocities" we should thank God for them on our knees! Instead of calling Hitler a villain, we should accord him the same honor as a servant of God that we accord to Josuah and Samuel!

Death to the Sinners! Death! Death!!
Help Spread Holocaust Truth!

Once we are scripturally enlightened about the Holocaust, it becomes our Christian duty to help smash Satan's LIE and spread the truth!

How can we sit back and let the good name of our Creator be smeared by those who arrogantly call His divinely-ordained punishment an "atrocity"?

How can we tolerate the implication inherent in that LIE - the implication that God would permit millions of people to suffer and die unjustly without lifting a finger to help them?

We must spread the Biblical truth about Holocausts being God's way of punishing sinners and their children! We must pave the way for more and more Holocausts against sinful peoples by smashing the delusion that Holocausts are evil!

Did you know that God favors slavery?
In the Satanically-fostered confusion of our age, most people view slavery as a horrible violation of "human rights." We learn from the Holy Bible, however, that slavery is part of God's wonderful plan for our lives!

Yes, our loving creator has made it abundantly clear that His people are entitled to the services of heathen slaves. After all, why should God's people have to do unpleasant menial labor when there are millions of heathen sinners on earth to do it for them?

The Jews used to be God's chosen people, and they had his divine sanction to own slaves from the sinful Gentile nations around them. The Bible says in Leviticus 25:44-46 that God told them: "As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: You may buy your male and female slaves from among the nations that are round you. You may bequeath them to your sons after you, to inherit as a possession forever."

Now isn't that beautiful? Isn't it wonderful to know God wishes to spare His people the pain and drudgery of hard physical labor by letting them own slaves?

It also brings joy to realize we can kill our slaves without fear of punishment, provided we don't give them the unmerited mercy of a quick death. According to Exodus 21:20: "When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, he shall not be punished: for the slave is his money."

How happy it must make the Lord to see us clobber an uppity slave a good one, leaving the subhuman creature to die slowly in agony!

Some misled "Christians" would like to think that God changed his divine mind about slavery somewhere along the line, but there is absolutely no biblical evidence to back that up. Indeed we are told in Leviticus 25:46 that the Lord intended the blessed institution of slavery to last "For Ever!"

A New Chosen People!
Since the Jews rejected Christ they are no longer the Chosen People. Only true Christian believers are God's people now, and only they have the right to own slaves.

Fortunately for sincere seekers of truth, it isn't hard to tell who the true Christians are. The Lord addresses us as follows in Romans 8:15: "You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit on sonship."

True Christians aren't slaves to fear! They aren't afraid to tell the truth, no matter how unpopular it might be! Now what church has had the courage to tell you the wonderful truth about God favoring slavery? Is not Word of Truth Ministries the only church which has dared speak out, while the Catholics, Baptists, Mormons and other so-called "Christian" churches have remained silent in the face of the Liberal-Communist-Satanic LIE about slavery being evil?

Be a Master - Not a Slave!
Yes, members of Word of Truth Ministries are the new Chosen People, the rightful slavemasters of the entire heathen world!

Surely God will soon set us in our rightful position, but he is now testing people for worthiness to be members of His elect. He wants only those with enough courage to join before we attain power.

If you want to crack the whip instead of feel it; if you want to be a master instead of a wretched slave, then GO AWAY QUICKLY!

[Source: Did you know that God ordained the Holocaust? by Jason Rosendale]

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