List Of Sites I Watch
This is the list of some sites on the internet which are highly recommended by worldwide anti-Islam netters to their followers. I'd like to share this with you, my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, only for your good perusal.
I'm not suggesting you to open and observe any of them except for your perusal only. Unless you think otherwise, please do not let your little children open and dive into any of these sites without your assistance. I have reasons to believe that our young generation may easily be misled since some of the sites were intentionally built for this purpose from the very beginning. For this concerns please let me recall what Allah Subhana wa Ta'Ala has said in the Noble Quran, Surah 2: 1-20.
May we all be enlightened.
- The Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog
- Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch
- David Joel Horowitz's
- WorldNetDaily
- Daniel Pipes' Campus Watch
- Sheik Yer'mami
- Islamist Watch
- Act for America
- American Congress for Truth, by Brigitte Gabriel
- National Terror Alert
- Fighting Radical Islam
- Creeping Sharia
- Terrorism Awareness Project
- Family Security Matters
- Logan's Warning
- Atlas Shrugs by Pamela Gellar
- Anti-CAIR: In Defense of the Constitution
- Radio Jihad
- Steve Emerson's Site
- Cool Site on the Dangers of Islam to the West
- Counterterrorism Blog
- In the Name of Allah - Anti-Islam Site
- Shop Shariah Now in the U.S. and Elsewhere
- Women Against Sharia
- The Muslim Question
- Muslim Fact
- Focusing on Islam
- Investigate Islam
- Islam Watch
- Islam: Truth or Myth?
- Nazanin Afshin-Jam - Iranian-born Canadian heroine fights Islam's mistreatment of women
- Mark Steyn - Canadian journalist warns of coming Muslim takeover of Europe and the U.S.
- Melanie Phillips - Coiner of the term Londonistan
- British National Party - of interest even if you're an American
- English Defence League - against Islamization of Britain
- Infidels Are Cool
- Infidel Bloggers Alliance
- Prophet of Doom: Islam's Terrorist Dogma
- The Religion of Peace (and a big stack of dead bodies)
- Islamic Terrorism in India
- EuropeNews
- Middle East Forum - good articles on the radical Muslim threat
- Great speech by Dutch politician Geert Wilders on the threat of Islam to the West
- Trafalgar Club Speech 2009 - How Muslim immigration is destroying Britain
- Apollo Speaks
- Crusader Rabbit
- The Gates of Vienna
- Islamization Watch
- Middle East and Terrorism (pro-Israel)
- Islam in Europe
- The Killing Zone
- The Opinionator
- The West, Islam and Sharia
- Counter Jihad: News for Infidels
- Stop Islamization of America (SIOA)
- The New English Review - The Iconoclast
- Tear off the Zunnar
- Up Pompeii
- Bare Naked Islam
- Islam Review
- History of Jihad
- Center for the Study of Political Islam
- Muslims Against Sharia
- Americans Against Hate
- Foehammer Net
- Always On Watch
- Militant Islam Monitor
- The Last Crusade
- Crazy Islam
- Az Zaqqum Islamic Scholar for the Infidel
- Islam the Monster Unchained
- Trencherbone
- Apostates of Islam
- The Anti-Jihad Resistance
- Translating Jihad
- Avid Editor's Insights
- The Jawa Report
- Chronicle Watch
- On Islamic Fascism
- The Outraged Spleen of Zion
- Report on Arrakis
- Community of the Kuffars
- The Anti-Islamist Coalition
- 9-11 Do More Than Never Forget - Stop Islam
- Free Canuckistan
- Smooth Stone
- Marked Manner
- Elder of Ziyon
- Holger Awakens
- Watson 37, by D.C. Watson
- Geert Wilders
- Phyllis Chesler - Jewish-American feminist
- The Mudville Gazette - monitors the War on Islamic Terror
- Australian Islamist Monitor
- New Zealand Newstime
- AsiaNews
- Faith Freedom Org.
- The Green Arrow - U.K.
- Dave Gaubatz Blog
- Father Zakaria Net
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation
- Stand Up Against Islam
- Euro-Islam.Info
- Facts Over Fiction
- Refuge from Islam
- Porky the Crusader
- The Problem With Most Arab Muslims
- Institution for the Secularization of Islamic Society
- Former Muslims United
- Ex-Muslims
- Palestinian Media Watch
- Middle East Media Research Institute TV Monitor
- Terror-Free Oil Initiative
- Global Terrorism Incident Map
- Investigative Project on Terrorism
- Salatomic - Online map showing mosques and Islamic schools in America
- World Gender Gap Worst in Islamic Nations
- Revolutionary Muslim - radical Muslim site calls U.S. traitor Maj. Hasan "an officer and a gentleman" who was settling a score for Muslims everywhere
- The World's 500 Most Influential Muslims in 2009 - by the Muslims themselves
- Good Article Claiming that Osama Bin Laden Has Been Dead Since Dec. 13, 2001
- WHOA! Protect Girls from Genital Mutilation
- Pat Condell - Godless Comedian and Anti-Sharia Crusader
- Muslim Jokes
- Funny pro-Muslim site
- Muhammad the Pedophile by Molotov Mitchell
- MuhammadTube
- TruthTube
- And a few hundreds more.
And here is another list of some more sites being reported as Fake Islam's Sites on the internet which are potentially misleading both, Muslim and non-Muslim on their way to understand Islam.
If you found this information worth sharing, please do help us to get more people you know be well-informed.
Thank you.
If you found this information worth sharing, please do help us to get more people you know be well-informed.
Thank you.
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